I got a bit angry today when I heard that the French had snubbed our Queen today. They have not invited her or any member of the Royal Family to the 65th anniversary of the D-Day landings. They never intended to. Gordon Brown will be there, Obama will be there with President Sarcozy. They will have a great time. They will wallow like pigs in s**t in the freedom and excesses that the blood spilled from millions of people in Normandy and across Europe between 1939 and 1945 has bought for them.
The Queen of England probably the only world figurehead who is still alive today who experienced the effects of WWII first hand via the Luftwaffe bombings on London and the UK. She rallied her people and became an icon. It seems cruel to her and to the memory of those who died in her name to liberate Europe and France from the oppression of the German Nazis to leave her out...particularly when it may be that she may not have too many D-Day commemorations left in her either. It seems totally wrong.
Its not been all bad today for Her Majesty though, I understand that Nick Griffin from the BNP has decided not to go to her tea party. I'm sure she'll miss him (although not perhaps with a shot gun at 30 yards if given half a chance I'll bet!!!).

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