I was disgusted to see TV footage over the last couple of days of a police sergeant (without his ID number displayed on his shoulder as he should've done) at the G20 protests in London the other week who hit a woman half his size first with a backhand worthy of Nadal and then with his telescopic kosh hit her another two times to the legs. The man is a thug, a cad, a coward and is representative of much that is wrong in our society (well...other than the stuff Gordon Brown is representative of...and there might be some cross over!!!). I thought that this situation couldn't be any more depraved and sickening.
That is until the woman who was the victim, the anti-capitalist protester who was there to make a point that money was the root of all evil in the world decided that this was her golden ticket to the big time. Social parasite Max Clifford was close at hand and has helped her sell her story for £50k (as reported in the papers). She is also preparing a compensation case against the police (which will undoubtedly run into the £millions) because she is claiming all kinds of anxieties and distress.
The thing that really upsets me is that the thug and the hypocrite only got together because a group of twenty wanted to get together for a bit of dinner. As a result of this much hyped dinner party I'm a bit more angry and a bit more disappointed in my fellow man and woman, neither of whom I would ever dream of hitting or suing.

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