Wednesday, 26 August 2009


Former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott has today (Wednesday) said that he has no has no objection to the release of Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi.

In comments which undermine the position of Labour’s leader in the Scottish Parliament Iain Gray – when asked on Sky News if he had any objections to al Megrahi's release, Mr Prescott said:

“No, I don't have any objections. If the man is dying, if compassion is part, as it is, of the Scottish administration and the medical authorities then get proof to that effect, then it's a decision for the legal authority. You know, Scotland has always had a great deal of independence of its legal authority, going back many years, so we have to respect that decision. And I do.”

Commenting on Mr Prescott’s intervention SNP Westminster leader and Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Angus Robertson MP, said:

“John Prescott’s intervention is very welcome, but starkly underlines the naked opportunism of Iain Gray and Labour in the Scottish Parliament. It is plain to most right thinking people that Kenny MacAskill made the right decision and, above all, he made it for the right reasons.

“John Prescott’s endorsement of the decision highlights the Iain Gray’s shameless attempts to politicise the situation. Last week, Iain Gray refused to give his opinion on compassionate release, which he said must be based on the medical reports. The Justice Secretary’s decision was indeed based on the medical evidence – which he published, showing a life expectancy for Mr Al Megrahi of some three months. Yet quite shamefully, at that point – and only at that point – did Iain Gray oppose compassionate release.

“Kenny MacAskill made his decision on the basis of the medical evidence presented to him which clearly supported the application for compassionate release – and on the recommendations of the Parole Board and Prison Governor.

“This issue has nothing to do with party politics, and attempts by the Labour party and the Conservatives to politicise it are extremely regrettable.”


  1. i can not take anything that john prescott or his government say seriously. this is a government that took us into a war that we couldn't win, a war that half way through, the then prime minister Tony blair, walked away from! i wonder how many grieving parents, wives, children etc, wished that their relatives who have been killed could have walked out, and handed over to Gordon Brown, a man who it would appear, backs the decision of fellow Scot, Kenny Macaskill,Libya's favourite pin up.
    Kenny Macaskill has taken a decision far over his head, he has damaged relations between the US, and the UK, and such actions should not be the call of Scotland, or sanctioned by the Scottish mafia in Westminster.

  2. Tony Blair walked away from much more that Afghanistan. However what I find hard to fathom based on the history of Afghanistan is why the UK and the US thought that they would be able to go in and win where others have consistently failed in the past time and time again.

    Arrogance and lack of forethought as always shows Mr Blair and his government abandoned for what it really is...a waste of life, time and money that nobody will ever recover and that they'll never pay for.


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