Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg and Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari
Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg has met with Pakistan’s President, Asif Ali Zardari, in the run up to the party’s Autumn conference.
The President was keen to meet with Nick Clegg during a private visit he is making to the UK. Discussions were held on the important role Pakistan plays in foreign policy, the upcoming British General Election and the contribution the Pakistani community makes in the UK.
Nick Clegg was joined by the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Manchester Gorton Qassim Afzal, who helped to arrange the meeting.
Commenting, Nick Clegg said:
“This meeting was important as the Liberal Democrats run councils in urban areas of Britain which have a large and vibrant Pakistani community.
“The President and I spent time discussing how Pakistanis can continue to fully integrate in the UK and starve any extremist views that might take hold.
“It is vital that we support Pakistan in the fight against terrorism and the Taliban and continue to provide assistance to the refugees in the Swat Valley.”
Commenting, PPC for Manchester Gorton, Qassim Afzal said:
“It is essential to continue to build bridges between the UK and Pakistan and this meeting is a positive move in developing this.
“As the candidate for Manchester Gorton I’m very proud to represent the Liberal Democrats as the truest home for equality and diversity for all.”
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