Friday, 31 July 2009


Kilmarnock & Loudoun MSP Willie Coffey has secured time for a debate on 2nd September about the job losses announced by Diageo at their plants at Kilmarnock, Hurlford and Port Dundas which will see the loss of 900 jobs.

Mr Coffey who represents the workers at the Kilmarnock a
nd Hurlford said the debate would assist the campaign in trying to convince Diageo to rethink the planned job losses by showing the strength of cross party support for the campaign.

The Ayrshire MSP has already initiated an online petition against the Kilmarnock job losses which has burst through the 11,000 mark with many thousands more signing the hard copy version.

Mr Coffey, who launched the petition at an all party event with Kilmarnock Football Club, said:

"I am delighted to have secured this debate which will give Parliament a chance to hear the arguments against Diageo’s plans to make so many unemployed at this time.

“It will also be a great opportunity for Parliament to show how united the campaign is. Last Saturday’s march showed the width of political opposition to these plans and this debate will allow us to press home how unpopular their plans are.

“The response to Diageo's plans is also reflected in the response to the online petition I initiated which is already moving to the 12,000 mark.

"The message that Diageo seems to have forgotten is that customers across the world DO value Johnnie Walker's close connection with Kilmarnock.

“They may have lost sight of the value of this but an increasing number of customers across the world are giving Diageo the message - keep Johnnie Walker in Kilmarnock."

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