Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Farage blast for Government on ID cards

Tuesday, 30th June 2009

UKIP has welcomed the Government backdown on plans to introduce compulsory ID cards for airline pilots and ground crew from the autumn.

UKIP Leader Nigel Farage said: "We welcome this move. ID cards are something UKIP has been campaigning against for many years.

"However the British Government has only done this because of the implacable opposition of
the airline pilots' union, BALPA who have threatened strike action.

"Looking at the ID card question as a whole they are in a shambles. Non-EU nationals
will still have to carry them, which they will have to pay for along with the cost of the visa causing significant damage to our vital tourism industry.

"It appears that this government is so far from joined-up thinking that I would be surprised if any of them could tie their own shoelaces.

Mr Farage said the Home Secretary had not gone far enough.

"He is still talking about voluntary ID cards for the British public. And there is no mention of getting rid of the National ID database which is the real threat to civil liberties.

"Anyhow, make no mistake. If the Lisbon Treaty is ever in force the day will come when as citizens of a country called Europe we will all be forced to carry an ID card."

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