Monday, 1 June 2009

Cameron is really reaching down into the ooze in trying to attack UKIP.

On the Adam Boulton show today David Cameron, the Tory leader, said :"UKIP voted to allow Spanish vessels to fish in British waters".
This is a reference to a vote taken on fishing rights and quotas in the Shetland Box.

The reality of the matter is that the Conservatives in the European Parliament voted to give Spanish and French vessels 60% of the quota in the Shetland Box.

UKIP's position is that British vessels should have the right to 100% of the quota in the Shetland Box.

Unlike, as we can see by their actions, the Conservatives. They voted, along with Labour, Lib Dems and Scottish Nationalists, to limit British quota to only 40%.

"This nonsense about UKIP voting to allow in Spanish vessels is just about the only reference in this European Parliament election campaign that David Cameron has made to Europe." said Nigel Farage, UKIP leader. "That it is also entirely, provably, wrong, that he's accusing UKIP of what his own party actually did, simply shows the contempt the Tory leader has for the British voting public.

"Come along Dave, open up, let's have a debate on the real issues, the ones that really matter. Where is the power to rule over us to reside? Brussels or Westminster?"

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