Saturday, 30 May 2009

UKIP overtake Labour!

Dear supporters,

With polling day now less than a week away, today's Populus poll for the Times shows UKIP on 19% of the vote. We are in clear second place and well ahead of Labour and the Liberal Democrats nationally. The poll merely confirms what UKIP activists across the country have been seeing for themselves on the streets. We are getting a fantastic reaction on the doorstep. The UKIP vote is increasing. The Labour vote is collapsing and the Conservatives are wavering. With Nigel Farage's excellent Question Time performance on Thursday and an overwhelming response to our final Party Election Broadcast, we are certainly on a roll.

We can expect our opponents to attempt to throw all kinds of insults and accusations at us in a desperate last-ditch attempt to claw back votes. But UKIP have been a zero-tolerance party on misuse of expenses. No party is immune from scandal - it is how we deal with it that matters. UKIP have sent a clear message: no-one can treat the electorate with contempt and remain a UKIP MEP.

If we can hold firm, and manage one last push over the next few days then we will achieve the goal stated by Nigel Farage at the start of this campaign - to beat the government across the country at a national election. This has never been achieved by any 'fourth' party in history and could be the focal point for forcing a general election.

If you've been out campaigning, please keep up the good work - whether it's leafleting, street stalls, internet forums or just persuading family and friends to vote UKIP - for a few more days. It may seem like a tall order but with our current momentum, we only need a further 5.5% swing from the latest poll to topple the Conservatives and win the European elections. How could they then deny us a referendum on EU membership?

We had planned to make no further appeal for funds during this campaign as our supporters have already donated massive amounts of money. But one last push now could make a massive difference to the future of our party, and our country. If you are in a position to help, please donate here or call Freephone 0800 587 6 587.


Paul Nuttall (UKIP Party Chairman)

Jonathan Arnott (UKIP General Secretary)

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