Peter Tatchell will join Green candidate Peter Cranie - the man who stands between the BNP leader and the European Parliament, if the opinion polls are correct - on Thursday and Friday.
On-the-ground campaigning will include leafletting and talking to members of the public in a part of North Manchester recently targeted by the BNP - because, say the Greens, the BNP should not be allowed to think their racism is acceptable anywhere.
The North West Greens have set up a specific anti-BNP website - [www.stopnickgriffin.org.uk][1] - and have raised cash specifically for online and print advertising, including in ethnic minority outlets.
And they have launched a short cartoon film explaining how the Euro-election voting system works, why the battle for the eighth regional seat is so important in terms of stopping the BNP.
Peter Tatchell said today: "A big vote for the Greens is the surest way to stop the BNP winning a seat. The candidate best placed to stop Nick Griffin is Peter Cranie, the Green Party candidate."
"Peter Cranie is a candidate of great commitment, vision and compassion. He will be a very effective voice for the North West in the European Parliament."
"The BNP is a divisive, bigoted, sectarian, nasty party, with no practical solutions to the economic crisis, mass unemployment, climate chaos or the corruption of parliament. It has a sick history of scapegoating and vilifying black, Jewish, gay and Muslim people."
He continued:
"The Greens are an honourable alternative to Labour, the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats. People who vote Green will be voting for progressive change, for investment in new jobs, and for energy conservation to cut household fuel bills and combat climate change."
"The Green Party stands for a safer, cleaner and fairer Britain and Europe. We are not just the party of environmental protection; we are also the party of social justice, with strong and fair policies on jobs, health, pensions and education. The Greens oppose Post Office privatisation. We believe that good quality public services are the key to a good quality of life for the British people," said Mr Tatchell.
The Greens are enouraged by recent poll results. The Greens are enouraged by recent poll results. Over 2,000 people were asked by YouGov - regardless of the party they normally voted for - which party's politicians they thought were most likely to put their own financial interests before the interests of their country. Allowed to choose three parties, only 5% named the Greens as likely to put self-interest before the country's.
On the mistrust scale:
* Labour appeared to be the least trusted, with 45% of respondents naming Labour politicians as likely to put financial self-interest before their country.
* The Conservatives were almost as bad, with 40% naming them.
* Next were the BNP, the LibDems and UKIP on 20%, 16% and 15% respectively.
The new poll was released in the same week that campaign group **Open Europe** rated the Green Party's leader **Caroline Lucas** as the **joint best British MEP** on accountability, transparency and reform. The bottom nine places in the Open Europe survey were occupied by four Conservatives and five UKIP MEPs - with the tenth-worst British MEP slot being held jointly by UKIP leader Nigel Farage and an MEP each from Labour, the Conservatives and the LibDems.
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