It's a brave soul who stands on a doorstep bearing their parties colours and asks the person on the other side of the door if they might consider voting for them. But we are still out doing it with only two weeks to go before the County and European Elections.
Yesterday someone stopped me in the street demanding to know why Gordon Brown was refusing to hold a General Election. Last week one man said he wouldn't be voting as he was too busy cleaning out his moat and slammed the door. Many people say they won't vote; some with a heavy heart after a lifetime of doing their democratic duty. But the simple truth is that people are still angry with a profound sense of betrayal by those who have failed to do their duty.
Last week I announced what I will or will not claim by way of expenses should I be elected to Parliament. I've undertaken to publish every detail of any claim on my website. I have also pledged not to spend taxpayers money on hiring any of my Conservative councillors to work for me or indeed hire any party political activist.
We've created a small army of professional politicians funded by the public without neither their knowledge nor their consent. It's not Conservative Party policy - these are my views. If we are to restore people's trust in our politicians and the political process we have got to start to talk with honesty and allow some free thinking - loosen the constraints of "party lines" and "spin".
We'll be back out tomorrow evening - there are a couple of positives that keep us going. The County Council candidate I am working with has the advantage of being local but what impresses people the most is the fact he's "not a professional politician". And then there's David Cameron. As one voter told me tonight "I wasn't much impressed with him before but he's now showing he's a real leader."
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Life's too short. Get angry about something today!!!