Sunday 10 May 2009

Major Phil Packer is an example to us all

Major Phil Packer finished the London Marathon on Saturday, nearly two weeks after the rest of the runners.

Told he would never walk again after suffering terrible injuries in Basra last year, he's already rowed across the English Channel, and decided that the marathon would be his next challenge. Doing roughly two miles a day, he reached Westminster on Friday, and I was honoured when he asked me to join him.

Along the way, we were met by cheering members of the public- many of whom donated generously to the Help for Heroes charity. Major Packer is an example of what makes our Armed Forces the best in the world. He has been able to overcome challenge after challenge under very difficult circumstances. His determination, motivation and sense of duty should be viewed as an example for all of us.

Major Packer's goal is to raise £1,000,000 and he is over half way there. If you want to support him, go to

1 comment:

  1. It makes a nice change to see people deserving of publicity actually get it for the right reasons instead of a bunch of over pampered and over paid bimbos who are only after one Am I talking about celebrities or politicians? I'm not sure any more!!!


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