Thursday 21 May 2009

Another Gurkha victory on behalf of the British people.

The Gurkha have fought and died in the name of Britain and her monarchy for 200 years. They fought in WWI and won. They fought for us in WWII against the Nazis and Japanese and won. They Fought against the Argentinians for the Falkland Islands and won. The have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Their latest war has been against a morally corrupt government who have an appalling lack of respect for the people they represent and have at their disposal.

The Gurkha won that war too.

These are people who do not give up and are not afraid to stand up against wrong. We could all learn something valuable from these men. I hope the UK doesn't disappoint them further.


  1. Until, Joe Lumley, Brown, Gordon et al, 2009. 'The superiority of Nepalese soldiers (Ghurkhas) over other nation's soldiers - The genetic proof' is published in a respected journal; I will remain cynical about the British Army's recruitment policy.

    The French Foreign legion has a respected and notoriously difficult mental and physical stamina test for would be recruits. A test designed to pick the Creme de la Creme from around the world to serve France. The British recruit malnourished kids from the slums of Nepal.

    Why do people think malnourished kids from the slums of Nepal make good fighting soldiers? What is wrong with malnourished kids from Uganda, Niger or Bolivia?

    No wonder the French have the Neutron bomb and we don’t! Britain is a totally daft nation
    that deservedly won’t last the century.

  2. I'm not sure that there are issues about where these guys come from, rather their motivation and their loyalty. They fight for the Crown of England.

    Maybe we should start recruiting malnourished kids from the Highlands to fight for us as well...oh wait we already do and if I'm not wrong, they're not bad in a scrap either....although I from what I've heard their choppers are a bit smaller, still that can't be helped!!!


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