Wednesday, 8 April 2009

UKIP fully supports the Axe the Tax campaign and the warnings from the British Beer and Pub Association over taxes and pub closures.

The BBPA has warned that increasing taxes on beer and alcohol will accelerate the horrendous rates of closure of that great British institution, the pub. The Axe the Tax campaigners argue similarly, that only by reducing taxation can pubs be saved.
UKIP is the only political party with a detailed plan to address these problems. As David Campbell Bannerman, UKIP's Deputy Leader says:
"There is nothing more traditionally British than the local pub, but we are losing them at a rate of around 40 a week and they may be wiped out unless there is a major effort to save them.

"UKIP would cut the duty on draught beers, real ale, and cider. We would sort out the current problems with wholesale prices, which strongly disadvantage pubs.

"We would also cut business rates on community pubs.

"In regard to the smoking ban, we fully recognise its popularity in many parts of the community, but UKIP would take a more flexible approach toward its enforcement in pubs, which would be allowed to have separate, contained and well-ventilated smoking rooms as well as outside smoking areas using patio heaters. The EU ban on patio heaters is absurd as their impact on the environment is negligible and certainly not worth the loss of an important local amenity".
For more details of UKIP's "Save the Pubs" campaign please visit the website:

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