Thursday, 9 April 2009

(DCMS) Culture minister defers export of a 19th century Iranian insignia

Culture Minister, Barbara Follett, has placed a temporary export bar on a 19th-century Iranian decoration, the Insignia of the Order of the Lion and the Sun. This will provide a last chance to raise the money to keep the insignia in the United Kingdom.

The Minister's ruling follows a recommendation by the Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art and Objects of Cultural Interest, administered by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA). The Committee recommended that the export decision be deferred on the grounds that the insignia is of outstanding aesthetic importance and of outstanding significance for the study of relations between Britain and Iran, as well as for the study of enamelling, and of orders and decorations.

The Order of the Lion and the Sun (the emblem of the Qajar rulers of Iran), was created in the 19th century as an order of chivalry to reward foreign nationals who had earned the royal favour, and was modelled on European orders of chivalry. The insignia consists of a badge, collar and star and is accompanied by a plaque stating that it was presented by the Shah of Iran to Sir John Kinnier MacDonald, an important figure in the history of Iranian-British relations. Macdonald was the East India Company envoy to Iran between 1824 and 1830, and the order was given in recognition for his help in securing a peace treaty during the Russo-Persian war of 1826-28.

The insignia, made of gold, enamel and precious stones, is signed by Muhammad Ja'far and dated 1242 AH/1826-7 AD. Ja'far was one of the leading enamel artists at the court of Fath 'Ali Shah, and there is only one other work by him in a UK public collection. As the style of the insignias changed markedly over the course of the 19th century, this one crystalises both a moment in Iranian-British history and a stage in the development of this type of insignia. There are other examples in the UK but this is the only one that survives as a complete set of badge, collar and star.

Simon Swynfen Jervis, Reviewing Committee member, said: "These dazzling insignia demonstrate a high degree of quality of workmanship and are in excellent condition, rare for enamelled pieces which are easily damaged. As well as being important for the study of the history of the art of enamelling, the ensemble is also significant for the study of Britain's relations with Iran."

The decision on the export licence application for the insignia will be deferred for a period ending on 8 June inclusive. This period may be extended until 8 October inclusive if a serious intention to raise funds with a view to making an offer to purchase the insignia at the recommended price of £1,800,000 is expressed.

Anyone interested in making an offer to purchase the insignia should contact the owner's agent through:

The Secretary
The Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art and Objects of Cultural Interest
Museums, Libraries and Archives Council,
Wellcome Wolfson Building
165 Queen's Gate
South Kensington
London SW7 5HD
Telephone 020 7273 8270

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