Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Barack Obama called for Turkey to be granted entry into the European Union.

"Barack Obama should remember that while he's been elected President he's been elected President of the United States only." said Nigel Farage, UKIP leader.

"This doesn't mean he has the power to decide which country enters, or does not enter, the European Union. So his remarks yesterday that Turkey should be allowed in were the grossest cheek.

"It would of course be a disaster. Just as when it was decided that any Eastern European who wanted to could come to the UK we were swamped by a million or more of them, allowing another 80 million poor people the same access would lead to another wave, one that might well sink us.

"Incredibly, the other three main parties, everyone apart from UKIP, supports this near insane idea of Turkish entry.

"My advice to President Obama is that he concentrates on the problems of the country he was elected to lead and leave us to decide our own futures."

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